Overwatch World Cup: USA Group Stage Round Up
Day 1
The weekend starts with Austria and Canada facing off against each other, with Canada entirely shutting the Austrian team down 4 – 0. Switzerland came into the next match afraid of losing every map, Instead, they start by winning the first, but are shut out for the rest of the round, Norway take this match up 3 – 1. Canada return to the stage next facing up against Brazil and thanks to some clutch Zarya play they make it their second 4 – 0 shut out of the day. The next match comes from Austria facing off against the USA and it ends with a 4 – 0 shutout in favour of team USA. Finally, Norway and Brazil bring us the last match of the day, the first match of the day to go to a 5th map, with the series ultimately going to Brazil.
Day 2

Where day 1 ended with a 5th Map, day 2 starts with one, Switzerland and Austria fight it out in this map and ultimately Austria take the win. Next up is USA vs Brazil, USA take this match up 3 – 1. Our first shut out of the day comes from Canada who take a 4 – 0 win over Norway. The final shut out of the day comes from USA who win 4 – 0 over Switzerland. Our fifth and final match of the day goes much the same as it did the day before, Brazil win with 3 points over Austria’s 1.
Day 3
Day 3 starts with Norway taking a win against Austria with a score of 3 – 1, Then, as we’ve gotten used to over the course of this weekend we get two shutouts in a row from Canada and USA who beat Switzerland and Norway respectively. Brazil and Switzerland step up for the penultimate match of the group stage, Brazil take the victory 3 – 1. We end this stage with a battle between it’s two titans, USA vs Canada. The maps are pretty well matched with a slight tilt toward team USA who ultimately win the series 3 – 1.
With that the second group stage of the Overwatch World Cup is complete leaving Canada and USA to advance from this stage to the next. With just a week to go before the next group stage this competition is starting to get very heated indeed.