Hellboy Trailer Misleading?
Earlier this month the trailer to the new Hellboy reboot dropped to mixed reviews. Early on in development, many lamented the end of Guillermo Del Toro’s proposed trilogy. But, most where excited when an R-rating and the involvement of Stranger Things star David Harbor and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola was announced.
A lot of that enthusiasm seemed to be tempered when the trailer was released. Upbeat 80’s rock, lower budget SFX, and jokes that seemed to fall a bit flat didn’t lend credence to the idea this was going to be a more horror inspired, true-to-source-material adaptation. Recently Arbor spoke with Empire gave the impression that perhaps the trailer was a bit misleading.
Harbor claims that the movie is really leaning into the gore and violence aspect of the world Mignola built. “There’s really a sense that you’re actually killing things…” Harbor said in the interview “..even if they are giants or monsters.” Harbor goes onto say that the movie really deals with the idea of Hellboy as a weapon (something backed up by scenes in the trailer.) But Harbor hints that its a bit harsher than the off-brand Men in Black meets generic Guardians of the Galaxy that was the trailer.
“You’re chopping their heads off, you’re bathing in their blood and you’re feeling the complex feelings of actually cutting the heart out of another thing. ”
Do you think the marketing department simply got this one wrong? Is Harbor playing damage control in his press rounds? Or is it somewhere in between. Tell us what you think in the comments below.