Coming Soon at WGN…
Greetings everyone! You may have noticed we’ve been a little on the quiet side over the last few days.
We’ve not been abducted by aliens or replaced by the pod people – it’s just everyone’s been taking a well-deserved summer break on top of preparing for next week – because on Wednesday 14th August WGN will be – can you believe it? – 1 whole year old!
We’ll have new articles, reviews, puzzles and also, something extra special which we’ll reveal on the day.
So don’t worry about us – we’re good! In fact, we’re really good! Over the next week, we’re going to push some of our favourite and most popular articles from the last year back to the front page so you can enjoy them all over again – or maybe you’ll find something for the first time that you missed way back when!
All the best, you glorious bunch of geeks!